Tuesday, October 01 2019
Sanctuary Renovation Planning Update Planning continues for the renovation of our Sanctuary. You’ll recall the Feasibility Study conducted in July by the Episcopal Church Foundation found a high probability that a capital campaign could raise $964,000, and perhaps more toward our “stretch” goal of $1.6 million for the entire project. Since then we’ve worked with Clint Pehrson Architects of Seattle, our architectural consultant, to further refine the project scope and budget details based on the ECF’s conclusions. In late August, Clint, Father R.C., members of the Vestry, and I met with KMB Architects of Olympia, to discuss hiring them as the primary architects. While not specialists in church architecture, KMB brings a wealth of design experience in weatherproofing and structural improvements that may improve the efficiency of our project. A local firm, they have completed many public-sector projects in education, hospitality, and health care. We are now working with KMB to clarify all project details and costs in anticipation that we will soon contract with them for design services. Clint Pehrson is under contract to remain as the Owner’s Representative throughout the design phase. He will assist us in negotiating the owner/architect agreement, guide KMB’s design work for the aesthetics and acoustics of our worship space, evaluate and advise us on that design, assist with project permitting, and help us select a general contractor. At our option, we may retain Clint during the construction phase, which is planned for summer 2020. Over the next several weeks, KMB will move forward on schematic design, including drawings that will help us envision what the renovation will look like. These should be available when we launch our capital campaign later this year. I will update you with any renovation developments in the November edition of The Chronicle, and as needed until then. For the Sanctuary Renovation Committee: Lou MacMillan, Chair |